Joining the EU’s Climate Innovation Partnership
Resurgence has successfully joined one of the world’s largest climate funding and innovation alliances. Climate-KIC is Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership focused on climate innovation to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Resurgence joins the ranks of over 270 global partners spanning universities, businesses, cities and NGOs committed to pioneering new ways of tackling climate change and its accelerating impacts. Climate KIC partners in the UK include Imperial College, Oasis Loss Modelling Framework and the Carbon Disclosure Project.
‘We have a very particular commitment to contributing to Impact Goal 11 of the Climate-KIC, Democratising Climate Risk Information’ says Amy Programme Advisor, Resurgence, ‘and we have been developing a major initiative – Unlocking City Climate Risk Information (UCCRI) – with partners such as Oasis, Resilience Brokers, Digital Greenwich and the Red Cross Climate Centre to do just that. We are very excited about joining the community of systems-wide climate innovators that Climate-KIC brings together.’