30th November 2023 8 Inspirational DARAJA Leaders scaling Early Warnings for All in Cities: Calistus Wachana
12th September 2023 UCL Warning Research Centre’s 2023 Creating Effective Warnings for All Conference: DARAJA film and Panel discussion
3rd August 2023 UNDRR Words into Action Podcast – importance and application of multi-hazard early warning systems in providing early warning for all (DARAJA 4-7 minutes)
15th June 2023 Maysoon Badi, Program Director, Sudan Urban Development Think-Tank on the launch of DARAJA East Africa program
15th June 2023 Prudensiana Luckago, Community Development Officer, CCI Tanzania, on the launch day of DARAJA East Africa program
15th June 2023 Catherine Nimusiima, Program Manager ACTogether Uganda on the launch day of DARAJA East Africa program
15th June 2023 Hugh King, from the British High Commission in Uganda introduces the launch of DARAJA East Africa program